Select bibliography and relevant links
- Black Collection at Local Studies and Archives, Midlothian Library Headquarters, Loanhead. [email protected]
- Collis, S.: Mine, New Star Books, Vancouver, 2001.
- The following works by Samuel Rutherford Crockett : The Stickit Minister*, The Lilac Sunbonnet, Vida, Cleg Kelly, The Raiders. *See also, The Stickit Minister and some Common Men with an introduction by Andrew Nash, Kennedy and Boyd, Glasgow, 2007.
- Deacon, J.: The Mauricewood Pit Disaster, available from Local Studies and Archives, Library Headqurters, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9DR. [email protected]
- Donaldson, A.B.: Mauricewood Disaster: Mining in Midlothian, Midlothian District Libraries, Roslin.
- Donaldson, I.M.: The Life and Work of Samuel Rutherford Crockett, Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1989.
- Dostoyevsky, F.M.: Crime and Punishment, Penguin, London, 2002.
- Franks Report to the Children’s Employment Commission, 1842.
- Gracie, A. and Job, B.: Uncontrolled Recirculation – the 1889 Mauricewood Disaster, Colliery Guardian, May 1984.
- Hiley, M.: Victorian Working Women: Portraits from Life, Gordon Fraser, London, 1979.
- Holy Bible, King James Version,The, Oxford University Press, London.
- Hutton, G.: Mining the Lothians, Stenlake/Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange, 1998.
- Inquiry under the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887, into the fatal accident which occurred at Mauricewood colliery on the 5th September 1889. Supplementary Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Henry Johnston, Advocate, and Thomas Bell, one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Mines, HMSO, London, 1890.
- Leithenside School Logbook, Document P/Ed/2/15 in the archives of Scottish Borders Council, Heritage Hub, Hawick.
- Lord, A.B.: The Singer of Tales, Atheneum, New York, 1965.
- MacDougall, I.: Through the Mill, Personal Recollections by Veteran Men and Women Penicuik Paper Mill Workers, Scottish Working People’s History Trust, Falkirk, 2009.
- Matthew, H.C.G. (Ed.): The Gladstone Diaries with Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence, Volume XII, 1887-1891, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994.
- Nowak, M.: Coal Mountain Elementary, Coffee House Press, Minneapolis, 2009.
- Pringle, F.: Mauricewood Burning!: The Centenary Story of Lothian’s Worst Pit Disaster, Gowkshill Press, Edinburgh, 1989.
- Robb, R.B. and Stevenson, E.R.: Glimpses of Old Innerleithen and Traquair.
- Rubin, D.C. Memory in Oral Traditions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997.
- Scott, Sir W.: Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, (Henderson, T. Ed.), Harrap, London, 1931.
- Wilson, J.J.: The Annals of Penicuik, Private printing by Constable of Edinburgh, 1891.
- Zola, E.: Germinal (L.W. Tancock transl), Penguin, London, 1954.
National Mining Museum Scotland:;
Scottish Mining Website:
Penicuik Local History Society: